We won!

We won the Start?Zuschuss! Competition!

We won the Start?Zuschuss! Competition!

Together with 20 other startups, we were selected by an expert jury. Thank you for the recognition; we are thrilled to be one of the winning teams.

" Start?Zuschuss! " is an initiative by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development, and Energy, as well as Gründerland Bayern. Its aim is to support technology-oriented startups with digitalization projects and thus contributing to the establishment of young companies in the market.

" Start?Zuschuss!" enables us to develop an automated software for the rapid and easy detection of contaminants.
We would also like to extend congratulations to the 19 other winning teams: inContAlert, RECREWT GmbH, real-cis GmbH, twinu, paywise GmbH, sqior medical, Noxon GmbH, Data Q Company GmbH, ScannedReality GmbH, skailark aviation intelligence, Deep Piction, einwert, additive electronics GmbH, ONENEO GmbH, Retury, CrossCollaboration, HospiChef, KNF Solutions GmbH, X&Immersion.

Thanks also to the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development, and Energy, as well as Gründerland Bayern.

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